

蓝海论坛第37期:Coastal Oceanography and Sediment Dynamics


论坛主题:Coastal Oceanography and Sediment Dynamics




9: 00-9: 40




9: 40-1020


主要内容:近海物理海洋的两个关键方面是陆-海相互作用和大陆架-深海相互作用(land-sea interaction and shelf-deep ocean interaction. 通过这个报告,我希望同大家交流讨论一些有关的重要物理海洋过程,特别是南海北部大陆架边缘的内潮、近惯性运动及相互作用,中尺度涡旋,冲淡水与潮流相互作用等。















潘顺琪教授(卡迪夫大学):Assessing Extreme Waves and Surge in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Region

Abstract: This talk will present the results on the long-term modelling of wave climate in the northwest Pacific Ocean region using coupled FVCOM-SWAVE and FVCOM modelling system with the implementation of a parameter typhoon model. The model was driven by the ECMWF reanalysis wind and sea surface pressure data over a 35-year period from 1979 to 2013, which was modified and refined by the measured typhoon parameters. The model results were used to assess the impact of typhoons on the wave climate, as well as the extreme conditions of the wave and surge and directional and seasonal variation over the coastal waters along the China coasts.


Dr. Taavi Liblik(同济大学,Tallinn University of Technology):Variability in stratification and its consequences in the areas of freshwater influence.

Abstract: Thermal and haline buoyancy are both important sources of creating stratification in the regions of freshwater influence. Observational results from the area off the Changjiang Estuary and from the Baltic Sea will be presented. Both marine areas are under strong influence of freshwater and anthropogenic impact from land. Variability in transport and mixing of the fresher water have considerable implications to these marine systems. Forcing in the air-sea interface affects whole water column in both marine areas. Examples of the role of wind-driven processes on the water column structure and oxygen distributions will be presented.






吴伊婧博士(同济大学):Extending Kuroshio subsurface water to the north of Changjiang Estuary: evidence from radiocarbon content in dissolved inorganic carbon

主要内容:Intrusion of the Kuroshio subsurface water(KSSW) to the Changjiang Estuary is crucial for the development of hypoxia. Radiocarbon contents(Δ14C) can be used to trace the movement and interaction of water masses. However, a knowledge gap exists targeting DI14C in the Changjiang Estuary, and no data are available for the inner and middle shelf of the East China Sea. This talk will present our recent work in using DI14C to trace the intrusion of KSSW, and offers a glimpse into the organic matter decomposition process along the path of KSSW intrusion.













    申锦瑜博士,为物理海洋学终身教授,现任职于加拿大达尔豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)理学院海洋系。申锦瑜博士主持了NCENASANSERCLRETDFO等加拿大和其他国际机构研究项目30余项。已在国际SCI杂志发表100余篇。在各种国际会议上发表论文200余篇。其研究兴趣包括:近岸水和陆架海洋物理过程、数值模式与生物物理模式、近海与陆架海环流预测模式、波--冰的相互作用、海洋化学与生物材料的维持与联通。申锦瑜博士为加拿大气象与物理海洋协会(CMOS)会员、美国地球物理协会(AGU)会员、美国气象协会(AMS)会员、国际海洋模型会议(IWMO)科学委员会委员等。曾任灾害性海洋事件模式与预测国际研究合作组的首席科学家。申锦瑜博士现任国际海洋学术期刊《海洋科学区域性研究》杂志的共同主编。2018年获得加拿大气象与海洋学会颁发的应用海洋学年度奖。


    邢久星博士,清华大学深圳国际研究生院,研究员。1982年毕业于南京气象学院(现南京信工程大学),曾在国家气象科学研究院学习和工作。1992年获得英国雷丁大学物理海洋学博士学位,之后在英国国家海洋中心(原为普劳德曼海洋研究所)任职二十余年。2014年到清华大学深圳国际研究生院任职。主要从事海洋动力学方面的教学和研究,研究兴趣包括大陆架物理过程,如湍流和内波,潮及内潮,近海洋流,及海洋数值模等。曾发表过SCI论文八十多篇,其中第一作者近五十篇,在本专业顶级期刊JPO, GRL JGR上共发表二十余篇。

       Shunqi Pan is Professor of Coastal Engineering and Director of Hydro-environmental Research Centre at School of Engineering, Cardiff University. He has more than 25 years research experience in coastal engineering, ranging from physical and numerical modelling of coastal and estuarine processes, particularly with interaction with the nearshore coastal defense structures, as well as modelling of large-scale waves/tides/surge prediction under extreme conditions, resource characterization for marine renewable energy and the impact of climate change on coasts and estuaries in recent years. Since 2000, he has been a Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator for some 25 research projects funded by EPSRC, NERC and other sources, and secured more than £3m research funds. He has published more than 120 papers in international journals and conferences. He received the Halcrow Prize from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in 2007.Currently, he is a member of the EPSRC peer-review college, an Associate Editor of Water Science and Engineering, and a member of the editorial board of China Ocean Engineering, having previously served in the editorial board of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE, UK) Maritime Engineering Journal (2009-2012).


        Taavi Liblik is Senior Researcher in the Department of Marine Systems in Tallinn University of Technology. His scientific interests are basin-scale physical processes, open-coastal sea exchange, pycnocline dynamics, vertical exchange, (sub)mesoscale processes, hypoxia, spreading and dynamics ofwater masses and substances. He is focused on in-situ measurements and he has been involved since the first experiments with autonomous vertical profilers and underwater glider technology in the Baltic Sea. He is expert group member of the three-lateral Finnish-Estonian-Russian co-operation to protect the marine environment of the Gulf of Finland and founding member of the Estonian Association of Impact Assessment. 
