

3月26日:Coastal Dynamics and Oceanography: from Observations to Modelling



主题:Coastal Dynamics and Oceanography: from Observations to Modelling

时间:2018326日(周一) 13:30-17:00



13:30-14:30, Dr. Yongsheng Wu (Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada)

           High-resolution hydrodynamic models and their applications to Canadian near-shore waters

14:30-15:00, Dr. Junbiao Tu (Tongji University)

           Turbulence and sediment dynamics in hypertidal Qiantang Estuary

15:00-15:20, Tea Break

15:20-16:00, Dr. Lei Fan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

           ADCP: scientific assumptions and new discoveries

16:00-17:00, Dr. Taavi Liblik (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)

           Subsurface water column dynamics in the North-Eastern Baltic Sea


1.Dr. Yongsheng Wu (Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada)

Title: High-resolution hydrodynamic models and their applications to Canadian near-shore waters

Subject: High spatial resolution models are important tools for understanding the hydrodynamic processes in coastal waters, where, usually, are featured with complex coastlines and topographies. In the talk, I will introduce four models recently developed in my group. The outline of the talk is as follows: (1) Tidal power extraction in the upper Bay of Fundy; (2) Potential oil spill transport in the Vancouver Harbour; (3) Tidal-river interactions in the Fraser River; (4) Circulation model in the Saint John Harbour.

2.Mr. Junbiao Tu (Tongji University)

Title: Turbulence and sediment dynamics in hypertidal Qiantang Estuary

Subject: (1) Field observations were conducted in the hypertidal, well-mixed Qiantang Estuary to investigate the turbulence influenced by tidal bore, tidal straining, and suspended sediment; (2) Under intense breaking tidal bore, a sandwich vertical structure of turbulent dissipation indicates a surface turbulence source by breaking and a near bed source by shear production; (3) The tidal straining was found to be responsible for the enhancement of advective turbulent motions during flood tide; (4) The abundance of suspended sediments suppressesturbulence by modifying the turbulence length scale; and (5) The interaction between turbulence and suspended sediment are explored.

3.Dr. Lei Fan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Title: ADCP: scientific assumptions and new discoveries

Subject: As an essential being of ocean instrumentation, ADCP is based on several important scientific assumptions, which sketch the boundary of its typical applications and also the frontier towards the unknown world. ADCP is not always a blackbox outputting data with uncertainty under control, however, any challenge against the assumptions involved will lead to adventure of new discoveries. Besides physical oceanography, those applications with physical process will be included as well.

4.Dr. Taavi Liblik (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)

Title: Subsurface water column dynamics in the North-Eastern Baltic Sea

Subject: The Baltic Sea is a shallow, brackish, well-stratified semi-enclosed basin of the North-Eastern Atlantic. The sea has a positive freshwater flux and strong influence from land. The sea is connected to the open ocean (North Sea) via narrow and shallow Danish Straits and it is divided to several sub-basins. The ecosystem of the Baltic is sensitive to the changes in physical variables. Moreover, consequences of eutrophication, such as toxic algae blooms or hypoxia, are linked to the hydrography. In the current presentation, the focus will be on the subsurface dynamics of water masses in the North-Eastern part of the sea: Central Baltic Sea, Northern Baltic Proper, Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga. It will be shown how different processes (large barotropic inflows from the North Sea, wind-driven estuarine circulation modifications, up- and downwelling events, seasonal convection and wind-driven flow over sill) in various temporal scales play dominant role in the sub-surface dynamics in before mentioned sub-areas of the Baltic. The data collected by research vessel and several autonomous measurement platforms will be presented.


