




Ocean Bottom Flying Node Seismometer (OBFN) Development and Geophysical Exploration

针对当前超深水(>1500m)海底节点地震勘探存在成本高、周期长、数据处理解释有瓶颈等问题,我室“地球物理勘探技术”团队在国家重点研发计划“深海关键技术与装备”重点专项的资助下,开发了带有导航定位与自主航行功能的海底飞行节点地震仪(Ocean Bottom Flying Node, OBFN)。该技术采用海底长基线实时定位技术对多台OBFN进行导航定位,提高了节点布放与回收效率;研制了带有时标功能的长基线定位基站,降低了数据采集授时成本;实现采集模块与飞行节点运载器之间软链接,可保证采集模块与海底良好耦合,提高地震信号记录质量,同时也方便后期数据下载与维护处理。

  1. 海底飞行节点地震仪海试成功

2022年在南海北部超深水盆地荔湾凹陷开展了OBFN海试,最大下潜水深达到2861.4 m,在国际上首次实现了超深水海底飞行节点地震仪数据采集,获得了高质量海底四分量地震记录。此次海试发展了海底四分量地震数据弹性波成像与定量解释新技术,实现了OBFN仪器研发、布放与回收、数据采集、处理与解释全链条创新,OBFN所有元器件全部实现国产化,整体处于国际并跑-领跑水平。

7.1 南海北部超深水盆地荔湾凹陷海试区

7.2 海底飞行节点地震仪布放、回收与海试团队



  1. 深海地球物理方法进展


7.3 针对南海深海沉积地层开展基于PP反演和PP-PS联合反演的()岩性和(下)孔隙度预测结果对比


He, W. and Geng, J. Elimination of free-surface-related multiples by combining Marchenko scheme and seismic interferometry, Geophysics, 2022, 87(3): Q1-Q14.

Liu, Y., Liu, W., Wu, Z., Yang, J. Reverse time migration with an exact two-way illumination compensation, Geophysics, 2022, 87(2): S53-S62.

In order to address the high cost, long cycle, and bottleneck in data processing and interpretation of seismic exploration for deep-sea (>1500m) underwater nodes, the Geophysical Exploration Technique Group led by Prof. Jianhua Geng has developed an Ocean Bottom Flying Node Seismometer (OBFN) with autonomous navigation capabilities, under the support of the National Key Research and Development Program for "Key Technologies and Equipment for Deep-sea". This technology uses underwater long-baseline real-time positioning technology to navigate and locate multiple OBFNs, improving the efficiency of node deployment and recovery.

In 2022, an OBFN sea trial was conducted in the Lixiwan depression in the northern part of the South China Sea's ultra-deepwater basin. The maximum diving depth reached 2861.4 meters, and for the first time internationally, data was collected from a super-deep-sea seabed flying node seismograph, obtaining high-quality seafloor four-component seismic records. This sea trial developed new technology for elastic wave imaging and quantitative interpretation of seafloor four-component seismic data, achieving full-chain innovation in the development, deployment, recovery, data collection, processing, and interpretation of OBFN instruments. All components of the OBFN instrument have been domestically produced, and overall, the technology is at the forefront of the international community. Under the framework of least-squares, an elastic wave PP-PS joint pre-stack AVO inversion technology was developed. Compared with the results of single PP inversion, the PP-PS joint inversion can better characterize the continuity of thin layers and sedimentary formations.
