



             Deciphering “redox anomalies” of past oceans using isotopes

报告时间:2018年5月16日 10:00-11:30 


报告人及简介:郑新源  (University of  Wisconsin-Madison)

郑新源博士本硕毕业于南京大学,博士毕业于牛津大学,并在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校做过两年博士后,现任美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校地球科学系研究助理。郑博士主要研究方向包括化学海洋学、实验和理论地球化学、古海洋和古环境、新分析技术。现已发表十多篇SCI文章,包括在Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry、Chemical Geology、Marine Chemistry、Paleoceanography等国际主流学术期刊,并多次在国内外会议受邀做邀请报告。


The Archean and Mesozoic oceans had experienced episodic changes in redox conditions that were decoupled from redox conditions of the coeval atmosphere. Such “redox anomalies” of past oceans have significant bearing on evolution of the Earth’s habitability. Radiogenic and non-traditional stable isotopes no doubt can provide “novel” insights into these redox anomalies, but robust insights are only possible when behaviors of these proxies are adequately understood in well-constrained modern or laboratory settings. This talk will present some new results on a couple of different isotope systems (e.g., Nd, Si) from modern chemical oceanographic observations and laboratory experiments, and demonstrate how the new understanding of proxies can lead to a better understanding of “redox anomalies” of past oceans. In addition, this talk will also cover some on-going development of new analytical techniques and proxies at UW-Madison that can provide a range of exciting new opportunities for paleoceanographic studies.
