5月18日日本海洋研究开发机构(JAMSTEC)研究员Moe Kyaw来访学术报告


5月18日日本海洋研究开发机构(JAMSTEC)研究员Moe Kyaw来访学术报告


报告题目:Ocean Drilling Science: Vision and Mission
报告人:  Moe Kyaw 研究员       

            R&D Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS)         

            Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 






     Moe Kyaw Worked at University as junior teaching, petroleum geologist in offshore oil and gas exploration, logging staff scientist for US and Japan drilling platforms, Expedition Project Manager and Geological Evaluation Manager for Chikyu Expeditions and unconventional exploration projects. He participated in numerious G&G surveys, ODP-IODP Expeditions, unconventional exploration cruises at global locations for 27 years. He used improved high-resolution cuttings/core-log-seismic data integration technique, research studies range from seismic stratigraphy, paleoceanography, formation evaluation to the drilling engineering, borehole stress and stability, geohazard, and technology developments in borehole magnetometer and coring tools.



     D/V Chikyu challenges began with the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) by drilling across the subduction, and deepening the primary riser hole to reach the mega-splay fault. Various challenges forced multiple delays during the operations, such as strong current, difficult hole condition, and extreme weather events. Successful logging measurements while drilling into the hydrothermal deposits of more than 250C supported new understanding into its deposits and reservoirs. Recent success in the offshore gas hydrate production test will promote commercial production of gas hydrates. Mohole to Mantle (M2M) is in progress as first site survey cruise in planned this summer offshore Hawaii and onland experiment of Oman Drilling across ancient Mohole transition is planned this winter.      

     R&D center for ocean drilling science was established in 2014, and began joint studies on the big data taken from high current, difficult borehole and HTHP environment drillings


邀请人:拓守廷 副院长
