National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 地球圈层相互作用中的深海过程和深海记录 Interactions between the Earth Sphere: Deep-Sea Processes and Records | 汪品先 (首席科学家) Pinxian Wang | 2000 2000.10-2005.12 |
2 | 大洋碳循环与气候演变的热带驱动 Ocean Carbon Cycle and Tropical Forcing of Climate Evolution | 翦知湣 (首席科学家) Zhimin Jian | 2533 2007.7-2011.8 |
3 | 西南印度洋洋中脊热液成矿过程与硫化物矿区预测 Hydrothermal Polymetalic Genetic Processes and Resource Prediction in Southwest Indian Ridge | 周怀阳 (首席科学家) Huaiyang Zhou | 3580 2012.1-2016.12 |
4 | 低纬海洋气候变化的特殊性 significance of the low latitude ocean in climate change | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 535 2007.7-2011.8 |
5 | 大洋系统碳循环的轨道周期 Orbital periodicity of the ocean carbon cycle | 李前裕 Qianyu Li | 327 2007.7-2011.8 |
6 | 季风演变在热带碳循环中的作用 Role of monsoon evolution on the tropical carbon cycle | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 393 2007.7-2011.8 |
7 | 环境梯度上MCP储碳效应的变化规律 Microbial carbon pump (MCP) as a mechanism of carbon sink along environmental gradient | 张传伦 Chuanlun Zhang | 314 2013.1-2014.12 |
Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863 Program)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 海底长期观测网络试验节点关键技术 Research on Key Technologies for Long-Term Seafloor Observatory | 彭晓彤 Xiaotong Peng | 3000 2007.12-2011.8 |
2 | 大洋钻探站位调查关键技术研究 The study on the key technology for ocean drilling position investigation | 耿建华 Jianhua Geng | 753 2009.1-2011.12 |
3 | 重磁地震联合反演技术 The Joint Inversion Technics of Gravity, Magnet andSeismic Data | 吴健生 Jiansheng Wu | 237 2010.10-2013.12 |
4 | 深海示踪气体现场快速检测系统 A on-site platform for detecting dissolved trace gases in deep sea water | 杨群慧 Qunhui Yang | 238 2010.12-2013.12 |
5 | 基于观测网的深海化学环境长期实时监测系统 研发和集成 The development and integration of deep-sea chemical environmental real-time long term monitoring system based on seafloor observation network | 彭晓彤 Xiaotong Peng | 962 2012.1-2015.12 |
6 | 东海浅海海底观测网试验系统集成 Integration of shallow seafloor observatory network in the East China Sea | 许惠平 Huiping Xu | 2710 2012.1-2015.12 |
National Key Research and Development Program
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 中新元古代古大陆重建与原型盆地分布预测研究 Paleo-continent Reconstruction and Distribution of Meso-Neoproterozoic Prototype Basins, China | 杨风丽 Fengli Yang | 1800 2016.1-2020.12 |
2 | 超深水海底飞行节点地震仪研发 与油气勘探应用研究 Research and Development of Ultra-deep Water Ocean Bottom Flying Nodes (OBFN) and Its Application for Oil and Gas Exploration | 耿建华 Jianhua Geng | 1430 2018.8-2021.12 |
3 | 国际大洋钻探南海航次后科学研究 Post-cruise researches of the ODP/IODP Expeditions in South China Sea | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 730 2019.8-2022.7 |
4 | 利用冷水珊瑚重建南海深部物质能量循环(青年项目) Reconstruction of carbon and heat content cyclings in the deep South China Sea using cold water corals | 周晓理 Xiaoli Zhou | 350 2021.1-2026.11 |
5 | 晚新生代亚洲大陆风化过程、 沉积记录及碳汇效应 Weathering Process, Sedimentary Records And Carbon Sink Effects in the Late Cenozoic Asian Continent. | 杨守业 Shouye Yang | 2000 2022.12-2027.11 |
6 | 新近纪晚期印太暖池区海道闭合与高纬冰盖演变的耦合机制研究 Coupled mechanism of the gateway closure in the Indo-Pacific warm pool and the high latitude ice sheet evolution since the late Cenozoic | 田军 Jun Tian | 1400 2023.12-2028.11 |
7 | 海底大容量通信与信息感知一体化融合系统研究 Research on the undersea integrated system of information sensing and high-capacity communication | 吕枫 Feng Lyu | 1200 2023.12-2026.11 |
(The NSFC Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 南海陆源碎屑沉积物的源区、搬运和沉积 Source, Transport, and Sedimentation of Terrigenous Sediments in the South China Sea | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 200 2010.1-2013.12 |
2 | 河流与海洋沉积地球化学 Sedimentary Geochemistry of the Rivers and Marginal Seas | 杨守业 Shouye Yang | 200 2013.1-2016.12 |
3 | 古海洋学 Paleoceanography | 田军 Jun Tian | 400 2016.1-2020.12 |
4 | 变质岩年代学 Metamorphic Petrochronology | 程昊 Hao Cheng | 400 2020.1-2024.12 |
5 | 同位素水文古气候学 Isotope Hydrology and Paleoclimatology | 刘忠方 Zhongfang Liu | 400 2021.1-2025.12 |
(The NSFC Fund for Outstanding Youth Scholars)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 低纬水循环地质演变 Geological evolution of the low-latitude hydrological cycle | 黄恩清 Enqing Huang | 200 2022.1-2024.12 |
2 | 低纬西太平洋温跃层与气候演变 Thermocline and climatic changes of the low-latitude western Pacific | 党皓文 Haowen Dang | 200 2023.1-2025.12 |
(Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 重建西北冰洋晚第四纪的古海洋与古气候演变历史 Late Quaternary reconstruction of paleoceanographic and climatic evolutionary history in the western Arctic Ocean | 王汝建 Rujian Wang | 210 2011.1-2014.12 |
2 | 南海晚新生代中层水和深层水的演变及其全球意义 Late Cenozoic evolution of the intermediate and deep waters in the South China Sea and their global impacts | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 300 2011.1-2014.12 |
3 | 高分辨率磁异常测量研究南海海盆扩张过程及洋壳磁性层结构与演化 Studies of opening history, magnetic structure and crustal evolution of the South China Sea from deep-tow magnetic survey | 李春峰 Chunfeng Li | 1100 2011.1-2014.12 |
4 | 南海水体中古菌的分布及生物地球化学功能 Distribution and biogeochemistry function of Archaea in the South China Sea | 张传伦 Chuanlun Zhang | 350 2011.1-2014.12 |
5 | 南海北部陆坡区深水沉积物牵引体的时空分布及形成机制 Distribution and formation mechanisms of deep-water sediment drifts on the northern South China Sea continental slope | 钟广法 Guangfa Zhong | 250 2011.1-2014.12 |
6 | 低纬西太平洋末次盛冰期以来的气候环境变化及其全球影响 Climate and Environmental Changes since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Low Latitude Western Pacific and Their Global Impacts | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 200 2011.1-2014.12 |
7 | 南海深海过程演变学术交流活动 Academic exchange activities of the Deep Sea Process and Evolution of the South China Sea Program | 汪品先 Pinxian Wang | 700 2011.1-2014.12 |
8 | 用地震海洋学方法研究海底喷泉 | 宋海斌 Haibin Song | 109 2012.1-2015.12 |
9 | 南海东北部底层海流和沉积搬运过程的观测研究 In-situ observation of bottom currents and sediment transport in the northeastern South China Sea | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 620 2012.1-2015.12 |
10 | 南海早期构造演化的沉积记录 Incipient tectonic evolution of the South China Sea and its sedimentary records | 邵磊 Lei Shao | 280 2012.1-2015.12 |
11 | 晚第三纪重大冰盖生长期南海深部洋流变迁 Ocean circulation reorganization from the deep South China Sea during the marked Neogene ice sheet expansion stages | 田军 Jun Tian | 220 2012.1-2015.12 |
12 | 海陆联合天然地震观测研究南海岩石圈及上地幔结构与过程 Seismic constraints on the lithosphere and upper mantle structure beneath South China Sea from observations | 杨挺 Ting Yang | 250 2012.1-2015.12 |
13 | 微体化石和沉积指标用于追踪南海北部渐新世构造事件和深水环境演变 Tracking Oligocene tectonic events and deepwater environ-mental changes in the northern South China Sea based on microfossil and sediment proxies | 李前裕 Qianyu Li | 220 2012.1-2016.12 |
14 | 从室内培养到地质记录探索颗石藻在南海碳循环中的作用 Exploring the roles of coccolithophores in the carbon cycle in the South China Sea: from laboratory culture to geological records | 刘传联 Chuanlian Liu | 240 2012.1-2016.12 |
15 | 评价嗜高压细菌在南海深部碳循环中的作用 Assess the role of piezophilic bacteria in carbon cycle of the South China Sea | 方家松 Jiasong Fang | 295 2014.1-2017.12 |
16 | 南海碳循环与生物学储碳机制集成研究 | 张传伦 Chuanlun Zhang | 49 2015.1-2018.12 |
17 | 南海晚新生代深水古海洋学变迁 Late Cenozoic deep-water paleoceanographic changes of the South China Sea | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 280 2015.1-2018.12 |
18 | 根据IODP349航次成果重构南海海盆 的构造演化模式 Reconstruct the tectonic evolutional model of the South China Sea Basin based on IODP expedition 349 results | 李春峰 Chunfeng Li
| 300 2015.1-2018.12 |
19 | 南海深海海底铁锰结核/结壳的成因和历史记录 Genesis and Paleo-records of Ferromanganese Nodule/Crust in South China Sea | 周怀阳 Huaiyang Zhou | 300 2015.1-2018.12 |
20 | 南海深海沉积过程与机制 Deep-Sea sedimentation process and mechanism in the South China Sea | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 326 2016.1-2018.12 |
21 | 南海深海记录与周边的地质对比研究 Comparative study of geologic records from the South China Sea basin and surrounding regions | 赵西西 Xixi Zhao | 201 2016.1-2018.12 |
22 | 海洋自养古菌(MGI)和异养古菌(MGII)在南海碳循环过程中的相互作用及沉积记录 Functions and interactions of MGI and MGII in carbon cycle and their geological record in the South China Sea | 张传伦 Chuanlun Zhang | 352 2016.1-2020.12 |
23 | 南海中央海盆中新世以来深水沉积作用及其区域构造与环境演化意义 Deepwater sedimentation since the Miocene in the central basin of the South China Sea and its regional tectonic and environmental evolution significance | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 352 2016.1-2020.12 |
24 | 2016南海深部计划“双鱼座”载人深潜科学考察实验研究 2016 diving cruise in the northern South China Sea | 汪品先 Pinxian Wang | 1500 2016.4-2018.12 |
25 | 南黄海中、古生界复杂地质构造地震成像 理论与方法 Seismic imaging theories and methods for Mesozoic and Plaeozoic complex structure in the South Yellow Sea | 耿建华 Jianhua Geng | 276 2017.1-2021.12 |
26 | 晚第四纪冰期旋回中热带海气CO2交换格局 的变化及其控制因素 Changes of tropical sea-air CO2 exchange pattern during the late Quaternary glacial cycles and their controlling factors | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 290 2017.1-2021.12 |
27 | 南海深海过程演变学术交流活动(第三阶段) | 汪品先 Pinxian Wang | 432 2018.1-2019.12 |
28 | 东海周边河流沉积物源汇体系的关键过程:沉积地球化学约束 Sedimentary geochemical constraints on key processes for the source to sink system of the river sediments into the East China Sea | 杨守业 Shouye Yang | 313 2018.1-2022.12 |
29 | OBS主动源深反射地震方法及其在荔湾凹陷构造研究中的应用 Study of the OBS active-source deep-reflection seismic methods and their application to the structure research of the Liwan sag | 刘玉柱 Yuzhu Liu | 297 2020.1-2024.12 |
30 | 用南海沉积物中长链烯酮重建中新世大气二氧化碳浓度变化 Reconstructing Miocene atmospheric CO2 concentrations based on alkenone of sedimens from the South China Sea | 刘传联 Chuanlian Liu | 301 2020.1-2024.12 |
31 | 全新世ENSO和沃克环流的演变 Holocene Evolution of ENSO and Walker Circulation | 翦知湣 Zhimin Jian | 280 2020.1-2023.12 |
32 | 大陆风化的边缘海沉积记录研究 Investigate the continental weathering records in marginal sea sediments | 杨守业 Shouye Yang | 397.75 2020.1-2024.12 |
33 | 喉区极光相关的太阳风-磁层-电离层耦合过程研究 A systematic study on the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with throat aurora | 韩德胜 Desheng Han | 298 2021.1-2025.12 |
34 | 第四纪冰期旋回中南大洋中深层水向中低纬太平洋的入侵及其气候效应 Incursions of Southern Ocean intermediate and deep waters towards mid-low latitude Pacific Ocean during Quaternary glacial cycles and their climatic effects | 王汝建 Rujian Wang | 275 2021.1-2025.12 |
35 | 探索晚新生代太平洋中深层经向翻转流与气候演变冰期旋回的关系 Probing the relationship of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation with the glacial/interglacial variability of climate change during the late Cenozoic | 田军 Jun Tian | 301 2021.1-2025.12 |
36 | 南海浮游生态系统对上新世暖期气候的响应 及其机制研究 Machanism of marine planktonic ecosystem responses to the Pliocene warm climate in the South China Sea | 贾国东 Guodong Jia | 303 2021.1-2025.12 |
37 | 南亚-东南亚特提斯演化的油气资源效应 The effect of Tethys evolution on hydrocarbon resources in South-Southeast Asia | 朱伟林 Weilin Zhu | 367.16 2021.1-2024.12 |
38 | 南海南部深海沉积搬运过程及其对海洋碳循环影响的锚系观测研究 Mooring observation of deep-sea sediment transport processes in the southern South China Sea and their effects on ocean carbon cycling | 刘志飞 Zhifei Liu | 290 2022.1-2026.12 |
39 | 西太平洋板块俯冲体系下的东海盆地成盆过程与天然气资源效应 The formation process and natural gas resource effect of the East China Sea Basin under the western Pacific plate subduction system | 杨风丽 Fengli Yang | 210 2022.1-2025.12 |
40 | 长江口-东海陆架-冲绳海槽断面的反风化作用与关键元素循环 Reverse weathering and key elements cycling along the transect of Changjiang Estuary, East China Sea shelf and Okinawa Trough | 杨守业 Shouye Yang | 272 2023.1-2027.12 |
41 | 塔里木盆地超深复杂碳酸盐岩油气储层地震精细表征基础理论与方法 The basic theories and methods for ultra-deep complex carbonate reservoir characterization | 耿建华 Jianhua Geng | 231 2024.1-2028.12 |
42 | 潮控三角洲陆源有机碳再矿化与埋藏机制的古今对比研究 Comparative study on terrestrial organic carbon remineralization and burial mechanisms in tide-dominated deltas between the Holocene and Anthropocene Epochs | 范代读 Daidu Fan | 230 2024.1-2028.12 |
43 | 强非均质性地层的各向异性动静态力学参数响应机理与地质力学评价方法 Physical Mechanisms of Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Geomechanical evaluation approaches in strongly heterogeneous formations | 赵峦啸 Luanxiao Zhao | 256 2024.1-2027.12 |
44 | 基于黏弹塑性的特深层酸压裂缝扩展机理及形态表征方法 Characterization Approach of Fracture Propagation Mechanisms and Its Morphology in Extra-deep Acid Fracturing Based on Viscoelastic-plastic Effects | 汤继周 Jizhou Tang | 258 2025.1-2028.12 |
46 | 深源包体岩石年代学 Petrochronology of deep-sourced xenoliths | 程昊 Hao Cheng | 226 2025.1-2029.12 |
47 | 中-新生代东海含油气盆地差异演变及控制机制 Spatio-tempora Evolution and Control Mechanism of the East China Sea Petroliferous Basin from Mesozoic to Cenozoic | 朱伟林 Weilin Zhu | 231 2025.1-2029.12 |
(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB)起止日期/Period |
1 | 台湾晚中新世以来活跃弧陆碰撞过程的弧前盆地 沉积响应 Neogene Forearc sedimentation in response to active Taiwan arc-continent collision | 黄奇瑜 Chi-Yue Huang | 57 2015.1-2018.12 |
2 | 各向异性弹性波模式分离与矢量分解 及其全波成像应用 Elastic wave mode separation and vector decomposition and their applications to full-wave seismic imaging in anisotropic media | 程玖兵 Jiubing Cheng | 95 2015.1-2018.12 |
3 | 全新世长江口低氧区形成与演化历史及控制机制 Development and Evolution History of Hypoxia off the Yangtze Estuary and Controlling Mechanism | 范代读 Daidu Fan | 55 2015.1-2018.12 |
4 | 基于导电结构的岩石导电机制与流体饱 和度计算方法研究 Study of rock conductive mechanism and saturation estimation based on conductive structure | 刘堂晏 Tangyan Liu | 112 2015.1-2018.12 |
5 | 地震各向异性波形层析成像方法研究及其在南海壳幔结构反演中的应用 Research on seismic anisotropic waveform tomography and its application to invert crust and mantle structures of South China Sea | 刘玉柱 Yuzhu Liu | 95 2015.1-2018.12 |
6 | 海底热液喷口富Fe-Si低温热液沉淀物的微生物矿化作用及其形成机制研究 Biomineralization in Fe-Si-rich Low temperature hydrothermal precipitates and their formation mechanism in sea floor hydrothermal system | 李江涛 Jiangtao Li | 90 2015.1-2018.12 |
7 | 基于局部角度域扩展模型的非线性地震反演方法 Nonlinear seismic inversion based on model extension in the local angle domain | 杨锴 Kai Yang | 77 2016.1-2019.12 |
8 | 海底界面过程的地震海洋学研究 Study of seafloor processes by seismic oceanography methods | 宋海斌 Haibin Song | 250 2016.1-2019.12 |
9 | Lu-Hf地质年代学及其在低温高压变质岩中的应用 Lu-Hf geochronology and its promise and pitfalls of dating LT-HP metamorphic rocks | 程昊 Hao Cheng | 87 2016.1-2019.12 |
10 | 南海东部白垩-中新世构造演变及沉积响应 Tectonic evolution and sedimentary response during Cretaceous-Miocene in the eastern South China Sea | 邵磊 Lei Shao | 90 2016.1-2019.12 |
11 | 中尺度涡对南海东北部深层湍流混合的影响 Influence of mesoscale eddies on the deepwater turbulent mixing in the South China Sea | 张艳伟 Yanwei Zhang | 93 2016.1-2019.12 |
12 | 我国东部典型河流及边缘海沉积物的“从源到汇” 时间尺度探究 Time scales of sediment “source to sink” processes for typical riverine and marine sediments in East China | 李超 Chao Li | 64 2017.1-2020.12 |
13 | 中国南海构造演化历史的古地磁约束-IODP349 航次航后研究 Paleomagnetic Constraints for the Tectonic History of the South China Sea: Post-Expedition Study of IODP Expedition 349 | 赵西西 Xixi Zhao | 65 2017.1-2020.12 |
14 | 高精度速度建模的反射波波形反演方法 与应用研究构与过程 Reflection full waveform inversion methods and application study for high-precision velocity model building | 董良国 Liangguo Dong | 68 2017.1-2020.12 |
15 | 南海北部湾沉积物有机质成岩矿化过程及其对孔隙水溶解无机碳(DIC)的贡献 Early diagenetic processes and their contributions to the dissolved inorganic carbon in the pore water of the sediments from the Beibu Gulf, Southern China Sea | 吴自军 Zijun Wu | 69 2017.1-2020.12 |
16 | 微地震弹性波模式解耦矩张量成像与反演方法 Microseismic moment tensor imaging and inversion based upon elastic wave mode decoupling | 程玖兵 Jiubin Cheng | 70 2017.1-2020.12 |
17 | 南海沉积物中支链四醚膜脂的组成和碳同位素特征及其对古气候研究的启示 Composition and carbon isotopic characteristics of branched tetraethers n the sediments of the South hina Sea and its implications for the study of paleo-climate | 李丽 Li Li | 71 2017.1-2020.12 |
18 | 中国海陆水平地震背景噪音的观测和机理研究 The detection and mechanism of the horizontal seismic noises: joint bservations of Chinese marginal seas and ontinents | 薛梅 Mei Xue | 71 2017.1-2020.12 |
19 | 南海残留洋脊的俯冲:基于海底地震观测的层析成像和各向异性约束 Subduction of the fossil ridge in South China Sea: constraints from seismic tomography and anisotropy based on OBS data | 杨挺 Ting Yang
| 72 2017.1-2020.12 |
20 | 东海沉积物中细菌和古菌醚脂化合物同向变化机制 的研究 Mechanisms underpinning the correlations between bacterial and archaeal etraether lipids in the East China Sea | 张传伦 Chuanlun Zhang | 72 2017.1-2020.12 |
21 | 南海深海平原浊流沉积及其构造意义 Abyssal plain turbidites and their tectonic implications in the South hina Sea | 钟广法 Guangfa Zhong | 72 2017.1-2020.12 |
22 | 运用叶蜡脂肪酸C-14研究粤西近岸沉积物 的来源与运移过程 Elucidation of sources and transport processes of the inner shelfsediments adjacent to west Guangdong by sing C-14 of leaf wax fatty acids | 贾国东 Guodong Jia | 73 2017.1-2020.12 |
23 | 泥页岩中有机质的存在对蒙脱石伊利石化 进程影响的研究 Research on existence of organic matter influencing the process of smectite illitization in mudstones | 蔡进功 Jingong Cai | 88 2017.1-2020.12 |
24 | 基于新型区域余弦相似度耦合的结合地震 的重磁电三维联合反演 3-D joint inversion of gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric data based on new regional cosine similarity constraint and seismic data | 于鹏 Peng Yu
| 64 2018.1-2021.12 |
25 | 长江口外藻类生物标志化合物氢同位素 与海洋盐度关系的研究 Explore the correlation of hydrogen isotope of alga biomarkers with sea urface salinity off the Yangtze stuary | 贺娟 Juan He | 66 2018.1-2021.12 |
26 | 长江口及毗邻东海区域异养古菌MGII对溶解有机碳利用类型的探究 The types of dissolved organic carbon consumed by heterotrophic Marine Group II in Yangtze River stuary and its djacent East China Sea | 谢伟 Wei Xie
| 66 2018.1-2021.12 |
27 | 变密度声介质多参数全波形反演与保幅成像 Multi-parameter full-waveform inversion and true-amplitude imaging for coustic medium with presence of density variation | 刘玉柱 Yuzhu Liu
| 69 2018.1-2021.12 |
28 | 晚第四纪热带表层海水氧同位素演化与水循环 The evolution of tropical sea surface stable oxygen isotope and the ydrological cycle during the late Quaternary | 黄恩清 Enqing Huang
| 70 2018.1-2021.12 |
29 | 山溪性入海河流物源变异及对气候事件的响应 Heterogeneity in mountainous river sources with the response to climate event | 苏妮 Ni Su | 70 2018.1-2021.12 |
30 | 重建晚第四纪冰期-间冰期西北冰洋筏冰输运和表层洋流演变历史 Reconstructions of late Quaternary glacial-interglacial ice rafting and surface circulation changes in the estern Arctic cean | 肖文申 Wenshen Xiao | 70 2018.1-2021.12 |
31 | 喉区极光的相关物理过程及产生机理研究 Study on relative processes and possible generation mechanisms of throat urora | 韩德胜 Desheng Han | 71 2018.1-2021.12 |
32 | 西南印度洋洋中脊Atlantis Bank下洋壳 深部生物圈研究 Investigation of the Deep Biosphere in the Lower Oceanic rust of Atlantis Bank, the Southwest Indian Ridge | 李江涛 Jiangtao Li | 71 2018.1-2021.12 |
33 | 南海深水海盆晚新生代有孔虫古海洋学 Late Cenozoic foraminiferal paleoceanography of the South China Sea deep basin | 李前裕 Qianyu Li | 72 2018.1-2021.12 |
34 | 珠江口深古菌(Bathyarchaeota)碳源利用特征研究 The study of carbon sources of Bathyarchaeota in the Pearl River estuary | 王鹏 Peng Wang | 72 2018.1-2021.12 |
35 | 晚中新世大洋碳位移事件的成因机制及其古环境效应 Probing the forcing mechanism of the late Miocene ocean carbon shift and its environmental significance | 田军 Jun Tian | 73 2018.1-2021.12 |
36 | 南海东北部末次冰期以来古海流强度的重建——沉积学和地球化学方法 Reconstruction of paleo-current intensities in the northeastern South China Sea since the last glacial: sedimentological and geochemical approaches | 赵玉龙 Yulong Zhao | 73 2018.1-2021.12 |
37 | 人类活动影响下长江口北支动力地貌演化 与沉积地层格架研究 Sediment dynamics, morphological evolution and facies architectures of the North Branch of angtze River ith respect to anthropogenic impacts | 范代读 Daidu Fan | 74 2018.1-2021.12 |
38 | 南黄海中生代构造演化与海相地层改造 Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the South Yellow Sea and post-reformation of marine strata | 杨风丽 Fengli Yang | 65 2019.1-2022.12 |
39 | 基于OBC四分量地震数据的三参数弹性波反射波形反演方法与应用研究 4C OBC seismic data based elastic reflection waveform inversion methods and applications for three medium parameters | 董良国 Liangguo Dong | 65 2019.1-2022.12 |
40 | 南海始新世-渐新世钙质超微化石生物地层学 与古海洋环境演变 Eocene-Oligocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments in the South China Sea | 刘传联 Chuanlian Liu | 65 2019.1-2022.12 |
41 | 全新世东亚季风变化及其降水同位素特征 Holocene East Asian monsoon variability and its isotopic expression | 刘忠方 Zhongfang Liu | 64 2019.1-2022.12 |
42 | 强台风触发深海浊流垂直结构的高分辨率锚系观测研究 High-resolution mooring observation on vertical structure of typhoon-triggered deep-sea turbidity currents | 张艳伟 Yanwei Zhang | 64 2019.1-2022.12 |
43 | 晚中生代-新生代西太平洋的古纬度:利用国际大洋钻探项目岩芯和陆地样品的古地磁对比性研究 Paleolatitudes of the Western Pacific in Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic: comparative paleomagnetic investigation of ocean drilling cores and land samples | 赵西西 Xixi Zhao | 63 2019.1-2022.12 |
44 | 基于三角网格剖分模型的高斯波包立体层析成像 Gaussian-packet based stereotomography in triangulated models | 杨锴 Kai Yang | 63 2019.1-2022.12 |
45 | 地震信号衰减特性分析及鲁棒Q值估计多道补偿 方法研究 Research on attenuation analysis of seismic data and robust Q estimation for multi-channel compensation | 王本锋 Benfeng Wang | 63 2019.1-2022.12 |
46 | 不同成熟度陆相有机质泥页岩地震岩石物理响应机理 Seismic rock physics characteristics of terrestrial organic shale at different maturity stages | 赵峦啸 Luanxiao Zhao | 63 2019.1-2022.12 |
47 | 晚渐新世-中中新世东亚低纬区降水演化历史 及其全球影响 Precipitation history in East Asia low latitudes during late Oligocene-mid Miocene and its global impact | 李丽 Li Li | 62 2019.1-2022.12 |
48 | 南海北部洋陆过渡带的重力流沉积 Gravity-flow deposits in the northern continent–ocean transition of the South China Sea | 钟广法 Guangfa Zhong | 62 2019.1-2022.12 |
49 | 东海陆架到南海北部晚中生代东亚汇聚边缘演变 的岩浆弧记录 Late-Mesozoic arc-subduction-related igneous rocks from SW East China Sea to N South China Sea: Key constraints on East Asia convergent margin | 许长海 Changhai Xu | 62 2019.1-2022.12 |
50 | 长时间尺度看过去几个冰期-间冰期旋回中南海北部周边陆地植被生态系统自然动态与全新世人类活动 的深刻影响 Natural dynamics of the terristrial vegetation surrounding the northern South China Sea during last five glacial-interglacial cycles and the human impacts in the Holecene | 翁成郁 Chengyu Weng | 61 2019.1-2022.12 |
51 | 泥页岩粘土矿物转化过程中固体酸性变化特征研究 Study on the change of solid acidity during the diagenetic transformation of clay minerals in shales | 蔡进功 Jingong Cai | 65 2020.1-2023.12 |
52 | 深海铁锰结壳磁性地层学和岩石磁学研究 Magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetism study of deep-ocean ferromanganese crusts | 袁伟 Wei Yuan | 63 2020.1-2023.12 |
53 | 基于精细断层结构的鲜水河-小江-龙门山断裂带系应力演化与地震危险性的三维数值模拟研究 Numerical modelling the stress evolution and the seismic hazards of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang-Longmenshan fault system based on 3D fine lithospheric stucture | 柳畅 Chang Liu | 64 2020.1-2023.12 |
54 | 印度洋偶极子驱动的暖池水循环d18O模拟 及其古海洋校验 d18O simulation of the warm pool hydrological cycle forced by the Indian Ocean Dipole and its paleoceanographic assessment | 王跃 Yue Wang | 64 2020.1-2023.12 |
55 | 南海东沙海域内孤立波浅化与海底相互作用的地震海洋学研究 Studies on internal solitary wave shoaling and its interaction with seafloor in Dongsha area, South China Sea by seismic oceanography methods | 宋海斌 Haibin Song | 64 2020.1-2023.12 |
56 | 海底地下水排泄过程中溶解无机碳的迁移转化及其对海洋的贡献:以广西北海砂质海岸带为例 Transport and transformations of submarine groundwater-borne dissolved inorganic carbon and its contribution to the ocean: An example of Beihai sandy coastal zone in Guangxi | 吴自军 Zijun Wu | 64 2020.1-2023.12 |
57 | 福建三沙湾人新世沉积学研究 Study on Anthropocene sedimentology in the Sansha Bay, Fujian Province | 范代读 Daidu Fan | 65 2020.1-2023.12 |
58 | 海底富铁硅氧化物微生物矿化的显微记录 与分子机制 Biogenic ultrastructural records and molecular mechanism of microbial biomineralization within Fe, Si-rich oxides of seafloor | 李江涛 Jiangtao Li | 61 2021.1-2024.12 |
59 | 联合地震面波衰减及波速反演全球浅层地幔三维 粘度结构 Improving 3D viscosity model of the Earth’s uppermost mantle by combining global surface wave attenuation and velocity measurements | 马知途 Zhitu Ma | 59 2021.1-2024.12 |
60 | 奥卡万戈裂谷和伍德拉克裂谷的壳幔各向异性研究Investigations of Crustal and Upper Mantle Anisotropy beneath the Okavango Rift and Woodlark Rift | 于有强 Youqiang Yu | 59 2021.1-2024.12 |
61 | 基于大地电磁测深与地磁测深三维联合反演研究菲律宾海板块深部结构 Study for the deep structure of Philippine Sea plate based on the three-dimensional joint inversion of magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth sounding | 张罗磊 Luolei Zhang | 59 2021.1-2024.12 |
62 | 强散射介质中的波动方程线性化及速度反演 Wave-equation linearization and velocity inversion for strong-scattering media | 冯波 Bo Feng | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
63 | 基于P/S模式解耦与海森算子的弹性反射波形反演方法及其应用 Approach and application of elastic reflection waveform inversion based on P/S mode decoupling and Hessian operator | 程玖兵 Jiubing Cheng | 59 2021.1-2024.12 |
64 | 基于城市轨道交通振动的可溯源地下空间精细成像Fine imaging of underground space based on traceable urban rail transit vibration | 赵永辉 Yonghui Zhao | 59 2021.1-2024.12 |
65 | 南海盆地早期演化过程中的古水深变化 与古环境响应 Paleo-bathymetric changes and paleo-environmental responses in the early evolution of the South China Sea basin | 金海燕 Haiyan Jin | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
66 | 利用南海冷水珊瑚建立高分辨率的古环境演变记录High-resolution paleo-environment records derived from the South China Sea cold-water corals | 黄恩清 Enqing Huang | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
67 | 西太平洋劳盆地东北部火山岛弧热液区羽流中铁 形态及其同位素特征研究 Study on Fe speciation and isotope in hydrothermal plumes above the arc volcanoes in the NE Lau Basin, western Pacific Ocean | 王虎 Hu Wang | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
68 | 晚更新世以来巽他陆架暴露对沉积物输运模式 和风化沉积记录的影响 The impact of Sunda shelf exposure on sediment transfer processes and chemical weathering archive since late Pleistocene | 李超 Chao Li | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
69 | 西太平洋边缘海微地动噪音机理研究 The mechanism of microseisms at the marginal seas of western Pacific | 薛梅 Mei Xue | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
70 | 印支半岛源区地质特征及对南海北部的沉积充填作用 Geological characteristics of the indochina and its filling process in the northern South China Sea | 邵磊 Lei Shao | 60 2021.1-2024.12 |
71 | 台湾流域风化过程中的稳定Sr同位素地球化学行为与地学意义 The geochemical behavior of stable Sr isotopes constraining weathering processes in Taiwan catchments and its geological implications | 苏妮 Ni Su | 61 2022.1-2025.12 |
72 | 基于水力压裂能量分析的页岩储层可压裂性评价:物理机理和模型表征 Fracability evaluation for shale reservoirs driven by hydraulic fracturing energy analysis: physical mechanism and model representation | 赵峦啸 Luanxiao Zhao | 58 2022.1-2025.12 |
73 | 特征反射波波动理论层析反演与建模方法研究 Research on characteristic reflection tomography for velocity model building with wave theory | 王华忠 Huazhong Wang | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
74 | 强化时间约束的时移地震速度与衰减动态建模方法研究及其在二氧化碳地质封存监测中的应用 Time-lapse constrained velocity and attenuation dynamic evolution model estimation method and its application to time-lapse seismic monitoring in CO2 geological sequestration | 黄超 Chao Huang | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
75 | 上新世暖期西太暖池温跃层变化的动力机制与气候意义 Dynamic mechanisms and climatic implications of the thermocline changes in the west Pacific warm pool during the Pliocene Warmth | 党皓文 Haowen Dang | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
76 | 碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学定量解析东海陆架沙质沉积物源与源汇过程 Quantitative analysis of provenance and source-to-sink processes of sandy sediments on the East China Sea continental shelf | 黄湘通 Xiangtong Huang | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
77 | 末次冰期以来南海北部生物碳泵对海水二氧化碳源汇的影响 The influences of biological carbon pumps on ocean CO2 sink and source in the northern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum | 金晓波 Xiaobo Jin | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
78 | 利用叠前偏移研究海洋内部细结构的变化 Research on evolution of ocean fine structures by using prestack migration method | 宋海斌 Haibin Song | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
79 | 中更新世以来西北冰洋深海氧化-还原环境的变化及其对碳循环的指示 Changes in redox conditions in the deep Western Arctic Ocean since the mid-Pleistocene and the implications on carbon cycle | 肖文申 Wenshen Xiao | 59 2022.1-2025.12 |
80 | 西太平洋采薇海山及周边海域深海沉积的环境磁学研究与第四纪底层水演化 Enviromagnetic study on abyssal sediments from the Caiwei Guyot and adjacent regions in the western Pacific and bottom-water evolution in the Quaternary | 易亮 Liang Yi | 57 2022.1-2025.12 |
81 | 根据河流沉积物(234U/238U)计算流域尺度的平均侵蚀速率 Calculation of basin-scale erosion rate based on (234U/238U) of river sediment | 李超 Chao Li | 58 2023.1-2026.12 |
82 | 两组正交的垂直裂缝密度及连通性指示因子AVAZ反演方法研究 AVAZ inversion for indicators of fracture density and connectivity in reservoirs containing two orthogonal sets of vertical fractures | 陈怀震 Huaizhen Chen | 56 2023.1-2026.12 |
83 | 强潮作用下的高浊度底边界层湍流混合与剪切不稳定研究 Turbulent Mixing and Shear Instability in a Macro-tidal, High-turbid Bottom Boundary Layer | 涂俊彪 Junbiao Tu | 55 2023.1-2026.12 |
84 | 东海近岸泥质区沉积物铁结合态磷的形成与埋藏:甲烷厌氧氧化作用的影响 Formation and burial of iron bound phosphorus in sediments from the coastal muddy area of the East China Sea: The influence of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) | 吴自军 Zijun Wu | 55 2023.1-2026.12 |
85 | 南海北部绿素氮同位素研究及古海洋学意义 Nitrogen Isotope Research of Chlorins in Northern South China Sea and its Paleoceanographic Significances | 李丽 Li Li | 55 2023.1-2026.12 |
86 | 镁-钾同位素耦合示踪长江口-东海反风化过程与镁循环 Using Mg-K isotopes to trace reverse weathering in Changjiang Estuary to Eastern China Sea and Mg cycle | 胡忠亚 Zhongya Hu | 54 2024.1-2027.12 |
87 | 多源数据综合解译近20年东海海平面变化成因与机理 Investigating the Causes and Mechanisms of Regional Sea Level Change in East China Sea with Multi-source Observations over the past 20 years | 王奉伟 Fengwei Wang | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
88 | 贫岩浆型马拉维裂谷的壳幔结构与形变机制 Structure and deformation mechanism of the crust and mantle under the magma-poor Malawi rift | 于有强 Youqiang Yu | 53 2024.1-2027.12 |
89 | 棱柱波高陡构造反演成像 Seismic inversion and imaging of steeply dipping structures with prismatics | 刘玉柱 Yuzhu Liu | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
90 | 基于相关特征函数和高维方向表征的微地震信号检测方法 Detecting microseismic signals based on correlation characteristic function and high-dimensional directional representation | 郭雪豹 Xuebao Guo | 49 2024.1-2027.12 |
91 | 非规则混叠数据特征分析及高效鲁棒智能化分离机制 Efficient, Robust and Intelligent Deblending Mechanism with the Feature Analysis of Irregular Blended Data | 王本锋 Benfeng Wang | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
92 | 弹性波随机梯度采样多参数全波形反演方法及应用研究 Methods and applications of elastic multi-parameter full waveform inversion with random gradient sampling | 杨积忠 Jizhong Yang | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
93 | 日侧极盖区极光统一模型相关科学问题研究 Study on the porblems related to a unified model of the auroras observed in the dayside polar cap | 韩德胜 Desheng Han | 53 2024.1-2027.12 |
94 | 长江–东海内陆架黏土粒级沉积物锂同位素组成及其大陆风化信号解译 Lithium isotopic compositions of clay-sized sediments from the Changjiang basin to the East China Sea inner shelf: implications for interpreting continental weathering signals | 杨承帆 Chengfan Yang | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
95 | 东亚亚热带常绿阔叶林形成过程和驱动机制-基于三千万年以来南海孢粉沉积的研究 Processes and forcing mechanisms of the formation of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest - A study based on pollen deposits from South China Sea over the past 30 Ma | 程仲景 Zhongji Cheng | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
96 | 西太平洋劳盆地火山岛弧热液羽流区铜同位素组成及其演化 Cu isotope compositions and evolution in hydrothermal plumes above the arc volcanoes in Lau Basin, Western Pacific | 王虎 Hu Wang | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
97 | 利用大气氧气浓度变化反演碳循环的冰期旋回演变 Constraining carbon cycle changes in glacial cycles using atmospheric oxygen | 颜余真 Yuzhen Yan | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
98 | 陆海界面边界交换反应对长江口Sr元素循环的影响 The Boundary Exchange at the land-ocean interface and its impact on the strontium cycling in the Changjiang River Estuary | 连尔刚 Ergang Lian | 51 2024.1-2027.12 |
99 | 海底四分量地震弹性波数据表面多次波最小平方干涉衰减方法 Elimination of surface-related multiples via least-squares interferometry for ocean bottom four-component seismic elastic wavefield data | 程玖兵 Jiubing Cheng | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
100 | 大气铍同位素示踪中国东部玄武岩流域剥蚀过程及控制机制 The denudation process in basaltic catchments in East China tracked by meteoric beryllium isotopes and its controls | 邓凯 Kai Deng | 51 2025.1-2028.12 |
101 | 晚中新世长江演化及对青藏东缘快速隆升剥蚀的响应:东海盆地沉积记录的约束 Late Miocene Evolution of the Yangtze River and Its Response to Rapid Uplift and Erosion of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from Sedimentary Records in the East China Sea Basin | 付晓伟 Xiaowei Fu | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
102 | 基于震源过程区域差异性的低频地震机理研究 A study of mechanism of low-frequency earthquakes based on the difference of source processes across multiple areas | 黄晖 Hui Huang | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
103 | 2023年Mw7.8和Mw7.6级土耳其双地震发生机理的三维数值模拟研究 The generation mechanism of the 2023 Mw7.8 and Mw7.6 earthquake doublet in southeast Turkey based on 3D numerical modelling | 柳畅 Chang Liu | 50 2025.1-2028.12 |
104 | 末次冰期以来东赤道太平洋的古氧气与温度的定量重建 Quantitative reconstruction of oxygen and temperature history in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean since the last glacial period | 卢婉仪 Wanyi Lu | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
105 | 极光粒子加速准静态电场的演化过程研究 Investigation of the evolution of quasi-staitic parallel electric fields in aurora physics | 石润 Run Shi | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
106 | 内孤立波与次表层涡旋多尺度相互作用的地震海洋学研究 Seismic oceanography study of multi-scale interaction with internal solitary waves and subsurface eddies | 宋海斌 Haibin Song | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
107 | 陆上地震数据反射波FWI实用化的关键技术研究 Research on key technologies of reflection FWI for practical application of onshore seismic data | 王华忠 Huazhong Wang | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
108 | 适用重磁电震复杂模型的最小支撑交叉梯度新型耦合联合反演 Joint inversion with new minimum-support cross-gradient coupling for gravity, magnetic, magnetotelluric and seismic complex models | 于鹏 Peng Yu | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
109 | 菲律宾吕宋岛晚渐新世碱性岛弧岩浆作用的构造古地理格局及其对印尼海道初始关闭的约束 Late Paleogene tectono-paleogeography of the Luzon Arc, Philippines: Implications on first closure of the Indonesian Seaway | 余梦明 Mengming Yu | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
110 | 晚新生代台湾造山在花东海盆的沉积层序响应及沉积量 Late Cenozoic depositional sequences and sediment flux of the Huatung Basin in response to Taiwan orogeny | 钟广法 Guangfa Zhong | 49 2025.1-2028.12 |
(Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China)
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 长江沉积物中元素-Sr同位素地球化学行为 的模拟实验研究及环境意义 Simulation experimental study of element and Sr isotope geochemical behavior from Changiang River sediments and its environmental significances | 郭艳微 Yanwei Guo | 22 2016.1-2018.12 |
2 | 地震波在非均匀多孔介质分界面上的反射特征 及其对储层刻画的启示 Seismic reflections in heterogeneous poroelastic media and its implications for reservoir characterization | 赵峦啸 Luanxiao Zhao | 23 2016.1-2018.12 |
3 | 南海东北部内孤立波的地震海洋学研究 Study of nonlinear internal solitary waves in the northeast South China Sea using seismic oceanography | 拜阳 Yang Bai | 23 2016.1-2018.12 |
4 | 铀系同位素探究末次冰盛期以来东亚大陆边缘的 风化沉积记录 Using U-series isotopes to study weathering and sedimentary processes in the East Asian continental margin since the Last Glacial Maximum | 苏妮 Ni Su | 24 2016.1-2018.12 |
5 | 海底大地电磁数据处理和三维反演的关键技术 The key technologies in the data processing and three-dimensional inversion for the ocean bottom magnetotelluric | 张罗磊 Luolei Zhang | 24 2016.1-2018.12 |
6 | 浮游有孔虫钕同位素富集的控制因素及在重建洋流演化中的应用 Neodymium isotopes association with planktonic foraminifera and its application in paleo-current reconstruction | 吴琼 Qiong Wu | 25 2016.1-2018.12 |
7 | 宁绍平原中全新世气候-海平面波动与河姆渡文化 演化的耦合研究 An integrated study of mid-Holocene climate - sea level fluctuations and the evolution of Hemudu Neolithic culture on the Ningshao Plain | 刘演 Yan Liu | 28 2016.1-2018.12 |
8 | 上新世以来热带西太平洋碳循环的长时间尺度演化 Long-term evolution of the western tropical Pacific carbon cycle in the Plio-Pleistocene | 党皓文 Haowen Dang | 20 2017.1-2019.12 |
9 | 运用氘同位素标定技术验证沉积物中古菌对GDGTs的再利用 Identifying the recycling of fossil GDGTs by sediment inhabited archaea using deuterium labeled technique | 董良 Dong Liang | 20 2017.1-2019.12 |
10 | 岁差驱动的热带太平洋类ENSO型古气候响应 Precessional forced ENSO-like paleoclimate in the tropical Pacific | 王跃 Yue Wang | 20 2017.1-2019.12 |
11 | 基于南海海盆被动源海底地震数据(OBS)的接收函数方法研究 Investigations of receiver function method using data from the passive-source ocean bottom seismograph installed in South China Sea basin | 于有强 Youqiang Yu | 20 2017.1-2019.12 |
12 | 阿拉善地块二叠纪古地磁研究 Paleomagnetic study of Permian at Alashan Terrane | 袁伟 Wei Yuan | 22 2017.1-2019.12 |
13 | 基于声-弹耦合方程的海底四分量地震数据弹性矢量波成像方法研究 Acoustic-elastic coupled equations-based elastic vector wave imaging for ocean bottom four components seismic data | 于鹏飞 Pengfei Yu | 25 2018.1-2019.12 |
14 | 长江三角洲-苏北盆地上新统沉积物源判别及对水系演化的指示 Provenance discrimination of the Pliocene sediments in the Changjiang Delta-Subei Basin and its indication for river system development | 岳伟 Wei Yue | 25 2018.1-2020.12 |
15 | 福州凹陷中生代沉积源区示踪:剖析东海陆架区域基底属性 Provenance analysis of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Fuzhou Sag: Investigating the basement properties beneath the East China Sea | 付晓伟 Xiaowei Fu | 27 2018.1-2020.12 |
16 | 我国边缘海海水氢氧同位素景观特征及其地质应用 Seawater isoscape( δ18O and δ2H) for the marginal China seas and its geological implications | 连尔刚 Ergang Lian | 29.34 2019.1-2021.12 |
18 | 末次盛冰期以来南极罗斯海冰-海相互作用的硅藻稳定同位素制约 Ice shelf-ea water interactions on the Ross Sea continental shelf, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum, constrained by oxygen, carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of sedimentary diatoms | 武力 Li Wu | 25 2019.1-2021.12 |
19 | 南海北部渐新世洋陆过渡带构造演化 的沉积响应研究 Sedimentary response to Oligocene tectonic evolution of the continent- ocean transition zone in the northern South China Sea | 马鹏飞 Pengfei Ma | 25 2019.1-2021.12 |
20 | 重建地中海腐泥层时期的温盐环流—基于鱼骸化石和有孔虫的古海水Nd同位素研究 Mediterranean thermohaline circulation during sapropel periods-econstructed using Nd isotopes in fish debris and foraminifera | 吴家望 Jiawang Wu | 25 2019.1-2021.12 |
21 | 上新世暖期南海北部上层海水pCO2变化 及其影响因素 Changes of surface-subsurface seawater pCO2 in the northern South China Sea during the Pliocene warm period and their controlling factors | 陈璞皎 Pujiao Chen | 25 2019.1-2021.12 |
22 | 天然地震与海底大地电磁数据联合反演西太 与菲律宾海板块俯冲结构 Joint inversion for the data of seismology and seafloor magnetotelluric in the subduction zone of Western Pacific and Philippines Sea plate | 赵崇进 Chongjin Zhao | 25 2019.1-2021.12 |
23 | 利用颗石藻生理作用来校正烯酮古CO2气压计中 的b值 Calibrating the b value in alkenone-based CO2 paleo-barometer by using coccolithophore physiology | 金晓波 Xiaobo Jin | 22 2019.1-2021.12 |
24 | 南海火山角砾岩的岩石地球化学特征:对地幔源区性质及岩浆过程的制约 Petrology and geochemistry of volcanic breccia in the South China Sea: contraints on nature of mantle source and magmatic processes | 钱生平 Shengping Qian | 25 2020.1-2022.12 |
25 | 东台湾蛇绿岩的源区交代作用及南海俯冲板片的脱水和熔融过程 Source metasomatism of the East Taiwan Ophiolite and its implications on the dehydration and fusion of the South China Sea subducting slab | 余梦明 Mengming Yu | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
26 | 华南东部武夷山和西部龙门山晚新元古-早古生界 沉积物源研究与对比 Provenance analysis of the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic strata of the Wuyishan and Longmenshan terranes and tectonic comparison | 陈琼 Qiong Chen | 25 2020.1-2022.12 |
27 | 末次间冰期以来南海南部木质素及其单体稳定碳 同位素沉积记录 Sedimentary records of lignin and compound-specific stable carbon isotope in the South China Sea since the last interglacial | 郝廷 Ting Hao | 25 2020.1-2022.12 |
28 | 基于DMSP/SSUSI观测的喉区极光统计研究 Statistical analysis of throat aurora observed by DMSP/SSUSI | 周苏 Su Zhou | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
29 | 沉积物Li同位素示踪大陆风化的可靠性:中国东南典型小河流研究 Tracing silicate weathering processes using lithium isotopes of detrital sediment:clues from small rivers draining southeast China | 郭玉龙 Yulong Guo | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
30 | 南海扩张初期洋壳增生的岩石地球化学研究(IODP-U1500站) Petrogeochemical study of oceanic crustal accretion in the initial spreading stage of the South China Sea (IODP-Site U1500) | 俞恂 Xun Yu | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
31 | 强涌潮作用下的河口底边界层湍流混合 Turbulent mixing in the estuarine benthic boundary layer with significant impact of large tidal bores | 涂俊彪 Junbiao Tu | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
32 | 暴雨空间分布不均匀性对城市洪水响应 的影响机制研究 The impact of spatial heterogeneity of storms on urban flood responses | 周正正 Zhengzheng Zhou | 27 2020.1-2022.12 |
33 | Cd isotope compositions in microbialites/stromatolites, a new proxy for reconstruction of bio-geochemical ocean metal cycling through Earth’s history | Simon Valentin Hohl (外青项目) | 30 2020.1-2021.12 |
34 | 华南热带/亚热带森林植被及海岸带湿地对末次冰期旋回气候和海平面波动的响应过程 Responses of tropical/subtropical forests and coastal wetlands of Southern China to climate and sea-level changes through the last glacial cycle | 程仲景 Zhongjing Cheng | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
35 | 新型流通式-时间分辨分析系统(FT-TRA)的研制及对地质样品的测试应用 Development of a new Flow-through time-resolved analysis (FT-TRA) system and its application in Geological sample analysis | 徐娟 Juan Xu | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
36 | 海洋沉积物中自生支链四醚类脂物示踪底层海水pH的潜力研究:以南海为例 A potential indicator of seawater pH revealed by in situ production of brGDGTs in marine sediments: a case study in the South China Sea | 曹建涛 Jiantao Cao | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
37 | 基于随机梯度采样算法的全波形反演方法 与应用研究 Research on full waveform inversion based on random gradient sampling and its application | 杨积忠 Jizhong Yang | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
38 | 中中新世太平洋深部海水性质与洋流变迁 的全球影响 Global impact of the changes in hydrographic properties and ocean circulation in the deep Pacific during the middle Miocene | 周晓理 Xiaoli Zhou | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
39 | 联合海陆地震数据研究板块俯冲在日本海演化及东北亚板内火山活动中的作用 Investigation of the role of the plate subduction in the evolution the Japan sea and intraplate volcanism in NE Asia using data from both land and ocean bottom seismographs | 孙沐晨 Muchen Sun | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
40 | 长江口及邻近陆架沉积物中元素铍(Be)的循环 及其环境响应 Beryllium (Be) cycling in sediments from the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf regions and its response to water environment | 邓凯 Kai Deng | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
41 | 长江口沉积物早期成岩过程的铁同位素研究 及其地质意义 Investigation of Fe isotope behaviors during early diagenesis in sediments from the Yangtze River Estuary and its geological implications | 贺治伟 Zhiwei He | 24 2021.1-2023.12 |
42 | On the Response of Radiation belt Dropouts to Different Solar Drivers and Magnetosheath Transients | Gokani Sneha Arunkumar (外青项目) | 40 2021.1-2022.12 |
43 | 多溴联苯醚对神经行为信号通路干扰的交互作用及其毒理机制 The toxicity mechanism and cross-talk effects of PBDEs on the signaling pathways of neurobehavior | 张斌 Bin Zhang | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
44 | 南海古低温热液区残留的深部生物圈生命的生存机制研究 The microbial survival mechanisms of the microorganisms originated from the deep biosphere in South China Sea inactive low temperature hydrothermal field | 李海洲 Haizhou Li | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
45 | 用岛礁白云岩Mg同位素制约新近纪以来海洋镁-钙循环 Using Mg isotopes of island dolostones to trace the marine Mg-Ca cycling since Neogene | 胡忠亚 Zhongya Hu | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
46 | 长江流域河漫滩风化过程中锂同位素分馏及地学意义 Lithium isotope fractionation during floodplain weathering in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) basin and its geological implications | 杨承帆 Chengfan Yang | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
47 | 裂缝指示参数及流体因子频变AVAZ反演方法研究 Inversion for fracture indicator and fluid factor using azimuth-frequency-dependent seismic amplitudes | 陈怀震 Huaizhen Chen | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
48 | 西太平洋暖池轨道尺度的水热条件变化驱动中更新世转型的机制研究 Mechanism of the mid-Pleistocene transition modulated by orbital-scale variations of thermal and hydrological conditions in the western Pacific warm pool | 王星星 Xingxing Wang | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
49 | 南海北部深海颗粒有机碳来源的时空变化研究 Temporal and spatial variations on sources of particulate organic carbon in the deep northern South China Sea | 林宝治 Baozhi Lin | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
50 | 页岩水力裂缝与层理作用机理的动态光散射实验表征及理论模型研究 Dynamic-light-scattering Based Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling Investigations on Interactive Mechanisms between the Hydraulic Fracture and Bedding Planes for Shale Formations | 汤继周 Jizhou Tang | 24 2022.1-2024.12 |
51 | The Stromatolite Geochemical Archive (SGA) – New perspectives on trace element and novel isotope systematics in stromatolites for reconstructing microbial habitats through deep time | Simon Valentin Hohl (外青-优秀层次) | 80 2022.1-2023.12 |
52 | 二阶随机优化弹性反射波形反演方法研究 Elastic reflection waveform inversion based on second-order stochastic optimization | 王腾飞 Tengfei Wang | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
53 | 基于聚焦源的复杂构造层间多次波预测与成像方法研究 Prediction and imaging method for internal multiples of complex structures based on focusing source | 顾智炜 Zhiwei Gu | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
54 | 土星磁层中哨声模波动性质及激发机制的对比研究 A comparative study of whistler mode waves on their properties and generation mechanism in Saturn’s magnetosphere | 滕尚纯 Shangchun Teng | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
55 | 2021年南黄海地区盐城Mw5.0地震发震构造与孕震动力学背景 The seismogenic structure and dynamic background of the 2021 Yancheng Mw5.0 earthquake | 户盼盼 Panpan Hu | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
56 | 有孔虫显微地化特征对近岸季节性低氧的编码机制研究 Encoding of seasonal hypoxia by individual foraminifer specimens microgeochemistry | 吴伊婧 Yijing Wu | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
57 | 南海东北部深海颗粒有机碳保存结构的时空变化研究 Temporal and spatial variations of microstructures for particulate organic carbon preservation in the deep northeastern South China Sea | 张乃予 Naiyu Zhang | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
58 | 南亚降雨量轨道尺度变化机制研究 Study on the mechanism of orbital-scale variability of South Asian precipitation | 周辛全 Xinquan Zhou | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
59 | 古长江对东海陆架体系发育的贡献研究——来自长钻孔剖面的证据 Contribution of the paleo-Changjiang to the development of the East China Sea shelf system: evidence from the long-borehole profile | 苏建锋 Jianfeng Su | 30 2023.1-2025.12 |
60 | 幔源超钾质岩浆的注入是否为碰撞型斑岩铜矿提供S和Cl:源自磷灰石原位成分的限定 Whether the input of mantle-derived ultrapotassic melts provides S and Cl for porphyry copper deposits: Constraints from the in-situ compositions of apatite | 沈阳 Yang Shen | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
61 | 页岩成岩演化过程中润湿性的转变与页岩油的赋存和渗流 Changes of shale wettability during diagenetic evolution and their effects on shale oil occurrence and percolation | 李旭 Xu Li | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
62 | 基于反射结构导引和波场特征表达的波动理论反射波层析反演方法研究 Characteristic reflection wave based wave-equation tomographic velocity inversion with the guidance of reflection structure and the extraction of characteristic wave | 吴成梁 Chengliang Wu | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
63 | 利用铁同位素标记技术研究长江口非稳态条件下水铁矿的相变过程 Using iron isotope tracer to study ferrihydrite transformation pathway under the unsteady conditions of the Changjiang Estuary | 周哲 Zhe Zhou | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
64 | 北冰洋西部海域涡旋及亚中尺度结构的地震海洋学研究 Using seismic oceanography method to study eddies and submesoscale structures in the western Arctic Ocean | 张锟 Kun Zhang | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
65 | 工业革命以来南海中深层海洋储热的年代际变化 The decadal variation of intermedaite- and deep-water temperature in the South China Sea since the Industrial Revolution | 王豪壮 Haozhuang Wang | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
66 | 粘土矿物/有机碳纳米结构的相互作用及其对陆源有机碳搬运与封存的影响 Nanostructure interactions between clay minerals and organic carbon and their effects on terrigenous organic carbon transport and sequestration | 宋弘喆 Hongzhe Song | 20 2024.1-2026.12 |
67 | 始新世-渐新世气候转型期海洋碳酸盐反向泵的演化及碳循环意义 Carbonate counter pump evolution and its implications for the global carbon cycle during the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition | 马瑞罡 Ruigang Ma | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
68 | 晚中新世大洋碳位移与全球变冷事件耦合机制的数值模拟研究 Modeling the coupling mechanisms between the Late Miocene Carbon Shift and the Late Miocene Cooling | 杜金龙 Jinlong Du | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
69 | 俯冲背景下弧后盆地砂质碎屑岩碳酸盐胶结物与碳循环:以丽水凹陷古新统为例 Carbon Cycle and Carbonate Cement of Sandstone in Backarc Basin Under Subduction Background: A Case Study of Palaeocene in Lishui Sag | 赵世杰 Shijie Zhao | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
70 | 南海深海微塑料沉降通量及过程的时间序列观测研究 Time-series observation of settling flux and process of deep-sea microplastics in the South China Sea | 张晓栋 Xiaodong Zhang | 30 2024.1-2026.12 |
71 | 3D attenuation and viscosity model of the upper mantle beneath the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau: Implications for thermal structure and post glacial upliftment. | RAMEES RAJA MIR | 40 2024.1-2025.12 |
72 | 29Si同位素标记模拟实验约束早期成岩过程中的反风化速率 Constraining Reverse Weathering Rates in Early Diagenesis through Isotope Doping (29Si) Experiments | 蔡迪 Di Cai | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
73 | 气候变化背景下东中国海浊度锋多尺度演变过程和驱动机制研究 Multiscale variability and driving mechanism of turbidity fronts in the Eastern China Seas under climate change | 杜云飞 Yunfei Du | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
74 | 冰消期海洋氮储库的演变及碳氮循环的耦合 Deglacial changes in marine nitrogen inventory coupled with the carbon cycle | 李琛 Chen Li | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
75 | 不同赋存形态海洋天然气水合物储层的跨频段衰减岩石物理模型研究 Research on the rock-physics models of the attenuation of marine gas hydrate-bearing sediments with different morphologies at different frequency bands | 刘涛 Tao Liu | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
76 | 瓜伊马斯盆地热液沉积物硫代谢微生物对温度和地化梯度响应机制的研究 Study on the Response Mechanisms of Sulfur-Metabolizing Microorganisms to Temperature and Geochemical Gradients in Hydrothermal Sediments of the Guaymas Basin | 宿蕾 Lei Su | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
77 | 大型海底滑坡内部剪切变形特征及成因机制 The characteristics and genesis mechanism of internal shear deformation within giant submarine landslides | 吴南 Nan Wu | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
78 | 西太平洋生物磁铁矿定量示踪海洋溶解氧 Quantifying magnetofossil proxy for ocean dissolved oxygen in the Western Pacific Ocean | 薛鹏飞 Pengfei Xue | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
79 | SAPS效应影响磁正午附近太阳风-磁层-电离层耦合过程研究 The study of the impact of SAPS (Subauroral Polarization Streams) on the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling process near magnetic local noon | 张强 Qiang Zhang | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
80 | 巽他陆架末次冰期以来沉积环境演变与碳循环 Sedimentary environment evolution on the Sunda Shelf and carbon cycle since the last glaciation | 赵宏超 Hongchao Zhao | 30 2025.1-2027.12 |
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 台湾海峡晚中生代以来源汇-沉积体系演变及控制机制研究 Evolution of sediment provenances and sedimentary system of the Taiwan Strait since the Late Mesozoic | 黄奇瑜 Chi-Yue Huang | 173 2016.1-2019.12 |
2 | 台湾海峡中-新生代张裂盆地形成机制及油气响应 The origin and evolution of the Taiwan Strait rift Basin in the late Mesozoic–Cenozoic and its oil and gas response | 杨风丽 Fengli Yang | 21 2016.1-2016.12 |
3 | 海洋地质过程与环境 | 金海燕 Haiyan Jin | 100 2017.1-2020.12 |
| 项目名称 Project Title | 负责人 PI/Chair | 经费(万元) Budget(104RMB) 起止日期/Period |
1 | 科学传播类:南海载人深潜与冷水珊瑚林之科学普及活动 Science Popularization Activities of Manned Deep Dive and Cold Water Coral Forest in the South China Sea | 黄维 Wei Huang | 15 2022.1-2022.12 |