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Research Highlights

Research Highlights

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GPL: Decoupling of dissolved and particulate Li isotopes during estuar...2021-11-08 Chemical Geology:Plagioclase-regulated hydrothermal alteration of bas...2021-11-05 Earth and Planetary Science Letters:Radiogenic and stable Sr isotopes...2021-11-04 Journal of Geophysical Research—Earth Surface: The Upper Limit of Den...2021-11-04 Quaternary Science Reviews:Deposition and retention of meteoric 10Be ...2021-11-04 Water Resources Research:Sediment Routing and Anthropogenic Impact in...2021-10-14 Marine Geology:Tectonic and climatic controls on the Plio-Pleistocene...2021-09-14 JGR-Solid Earth: Reflection Full Waveform Inversion With Second-Order ...2021-08-12 EPSL:Layered mantle heterogeneities associated with post-subducted sl...2021-08-03 The Innovation: Low-latitude forcing: A new insight into paleo-climat...2021-08-03 Geology:First identification of a Cathaysian continental fragment ben...2021-07-25 GGG:Space-time stress variations on the Palu-Koro fault impacting the...2021-05-08 GGG:Silica‐Rich Vein Formation in an Evolving Stress Field, Atlantis ...2021-04-28 Lithos: Mosaic zircon petrochronology and implications for the ultra-s...2021-04-28 GRL: Mode coupling from kinetic Alfvén waves to electron acoustic wav...2021-04-09 Global and Planetary Change:Upper ocean hydrographic changes in respo...2021-04-08 GRL:The critical factor in controlling the auroral intensity in the c...2021-04-08 Nature Communications: Acceleration of western Arctic sea ice loss lin...2021-03-13 EPSL: Clay Li and Nd isotopes response to hydroclimate changes in the ...2021-02-26 Geology:Transport and accumulation of plastic litter in submarine can...2021-01-28