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Modern oceanic cycle of beryllium isotopes assessed using a data-constrained biogeochemical model

Time: 2024-11-21Views: 17

Kai Deng a,b,* , Gregory F. de Souza b , Jianghui Du c,b 

a State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, 200092 Shanghai, China 

b Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, ETH Zurich, Clausiusstrasse 25, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland 

c The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, MOE, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, 100871 Beijing, China

*Corresponding author. 

E-mail address: kaideng@tongji.edu.cn (K. Deng).


Beryllium isotopes (stable 9Be and cosmogenic meteoric 10Be) enter the oceans through distinct pathways – i.e., from the continents and the atmosphere respectively – and display non-conservative behaviour in seawater. This isotope system has served as a powerful tool for quantifying a variety of processes, including geomagnetism, sedimentation, continental input, and ocean circulation. However, processes at land–ocean boundaries and within the ocean interior may either amplify or buffer the seawater isotope response to environmental changes. In the last decade, substantial effort has been invested in understanding external sources and internal cycling of Be isotopes, offering an excellent opportunity to revisit their modern oceanic cycle. Here, we investigate the controls on the modern oceanic cycling of Be isotopes using a three-dimensional ocean model, constrained by observational data on input fluxes and water-column distributions of 9Be and 10Be. In addition to modelling the previously known controls, we highlight the key role of marine benthic fluxes and scavenging onto particulate organic matter and opal in determining the mass balance and spatial distribution of Be isotopes. Inter-basin Be transport by the circulation is less important than external inputs at continent/atmosphere–ocean boundaries, except in the South Pacific. Therefore, the distribution of seawater 10Be/9Be ratios largely reflects that of the external inputs in most basins in the modern ocean. Finally, we apply our data-constrained mechanistic model to test the sensitivity of basin-wide 10Be/9Be ratios to changes of external sources and internal cycling. This analysis shows that seawater 10Be/9Be ratios are to some extent buffered against changes in continental denudation. For example, a 50 % decrease in denudation rates results in a 13–48 % increase in ocean-wide 10Be/9Be ratios. Moreover, the interplay between particle scavenging and ocean circulation can cause divergent responses in 10Be/9Be ratios in different basins. Weaker scavenging (e.g., 50 % decrease in intensity) would increase the homogenising effect of ocean circulation, making North Atlantic and North Pacific 10Be/9Be ratios converge (~20 % change in isotope ratios). The mechanistic understanding developed from this Be cycling model provides important insights into the various applications of marine Be isotopes, and offers additional tools to assess the causes of spatio-temporal Be isotope variations. We also identify the key oceanic processes that require further constraints to achieve a complete understanding of Be cycling in the modern ocean and back through time.

Full articlehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2024.10.025

Fig. Depth profiles of dissolved beryllium isotopes in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
