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JGR-Earth Science: Denudation rate changes along a fast-eroding mountainous river with slate headwaters in Taiwan from 10Be (meteoric)/9Be ratios

Time: 2020-06-10Views: 155

Kai Deng1,2, Shouye Yang1, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg2,3, Hella Wittmann2

State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, 200092 Shanghai, China

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Earth Surface Geochemistry, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany

3 Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, 12249 Berlin, Germany


Thenovel 10Be (meteoric)/9Be system, where 10Be is delivered by precipitation and stable 9Be is released by weathering, provides denudation rates over weathering-erosion timescales. The new tool is applicable to quartz-poor lithologies, e.g. mafic rock and claystone, which are not readily accessible by the commonly used in situ-produced10Be in quartz. We provide a first application of this proxy to a tectonically-active mountainous river, the Zhuoshui River in Taiwan. Taiwan Rivers supply a disproportionately high suspended and dissolved flux to the oceans and are often underlain by fine-grained shale/slate. 10Be (meteoric)/9Be-derived denudation rates (Dmet) from the Zhuoshui Catchment are highest in the slate-dominated headwaters (4-8 mm/yr), and much lower (1-2 mm/yr) along the mid-lower reaches with mixed lithologies. At the basin-wide scale, we find a poor correlation between Dmet and basin-averaged channel steepness despite a small climatic gradient. Because large lithological heterogeneities exist in this basin, we invoke a lithological effect to explain this poor correlation. Relying on a revised stream power incision model that incorporates rock erodibility, the resulting lithology- and runoff- adjusted ksn(kLrsn) can be reconciled with denudation rates with the highest erodibility predicted to prevail in the Miocene slate of low metamorphic grade and high fracture density. This model suggests that the lithological heterogeneity can alter the coupling between surface denudationand channel morphology.On a broader perspective, the successful application of the 10Be(meteoric)/9Be proxy shows its applicability as a tracer for erosion and sediment transport processes in fast-eroding mountain belts underlain by slate lithologies.


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Full articlehttps://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2019JF005251
