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Cumulative impact of human activities on hydro-sediment dynamics and morphodynamics in the highly altered Yangtze Estuary

Time: 2025-01-07Views: 10

Xiangju Han a , Daidu Fan a,* , Ju Huang b , Junbiao Tu a , Lingpeng Meng a , Shenliang Chen c 

a State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 

b Nanjing Center, China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, China 

c State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

*Corresponding author.

Email address: ddfan@tongji.edu.cn (D. Fan).


Estuarine dynamics is influenced not only by upstream human activities but also significantly by large-scale  estuarine engineering projects (LSEPs). In recent decades, multiple LSEPs have been constructed in the Yangtze Estuary, and the impacts of single project have been well studied, but their cumulative impacts remain  elusive. This study investigates Yangtze Estuary morphological changes from 1958 to 2020 by chart bathymetric  data. Results reveal a shift from rapid accretion (1958–1983) to moderate accretion (1983–2011), and then to  moderate erosion (2011–2020), almost coeval with declining fluvial sediment discharge in response to the upstream human disturbances. Moreover, increasing LSEPs have complexified estuarine erosion and deposition  patterns over local to regional scales in the past two decades. The impacts of LSEPs on estuarine dynamics are further examined by a coupled model based on Delft3D in the  Yangtze Estuary under six scenarios. Results indicate that the residual water flux and residual sediment flux both  form a convergence center at the South Passage mouth, aligning with the persistent muddy depo-center. The  hydro-sediment dynamics intensify at the upper reaches of the South Passage, North Passage, and North Channel  while weaken at the lower reaches under the cumulative effects of three constructed LSEPs. However, the  planning Hengsha Shoal Offshore Groins project will cause contrasting effects in the North Channel. As the LSEPs  increase, estuarine sediment accretion intensity decreases, declining the net suspended sediment budget by ~  8.7 % after four LSEPs. These findings highlight numerical modeling is a powerful tool for worldwide estuarine  planning and management.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132625

Fig. Distributions of RWF (upper panel), RSF and SSC (lower panel) at the surface, bottom, and whole layer in summer (the arrows represent vector RWF and RSF, respectively).
