The WATER STABLE ISOTOPE LAB locates in room 105#, Ocean Vice-Building, Siping Campus. The labopens for the measurements of stable water isotope since 2017.
1. Picarro L2140-i Analyzer
Simultaneous measurement of δ18O, δ17O, δD and 17O-excess in liquids and vapor
Push-button simplicity and ease
Average to better than 15 per meg precision on 17O-excess for 1 hour vapor measurements
Repeat measurements of liquids demonstrate 15 per meg precision on 17O-excess
2. Picarro L2130-i Analyzer
Make highly precise measurements of δ18O (guaranteed at 0.025‰) and δD (guaranteed at 0.1‰) with minimal drift
Providing the flexibility and freedom to measure liquids, vapor and solids
Rigorous in-house testing ensures the L2130-i meets, and beats, specifications