Welcome to visit the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology,Tongji University,

Electron Probe Microanalyzer and Scanning Electron Microscope Lab

Time: 2018-12-27Views: 426

1. Electron Probe Microanalyzer

This laboratory is equipped the Electron Probe Microanalyzer JEOL JXA-8230, with LaB6 and W electron gun, 5 X-ray spectrometers, 10 analytical crystals, and meanwhile equipped with Oxford X-MaxN 20 IE250, and Panchromatic Cathodoluminessence System, PHI-RHO-Z Quantitative Analysis Program and CHIME Dating Program. This device can obtain the probe current range 10-12 ~10-5 A, scanning magnification X 40 to 300000 (WD.11mm), secondary electron image resolution  6nm(W), 5nm(LaB6)(W.D. 11mm, 30kV). This laboratory provides observations and measurements based on back scattered electron images (BSE), secondary electron images (SEI), and cathodoluminescence (CL), and also performs major and trace element compositional analyses on micro-solid materials.

Electron Probe Microanalyzer (JEOL JXA-8230)

2 .Scanning Electron Microscope

This laboratory is equipped the environmental scanning electron microscope (XL-30 ESEM) form Philips Company. This device is also combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis by EDAX Company; Technic specification: SEM resolution 3.5nm(30KV,high vacuum); magnification range10~105;  energy resolution130eV; space resolution 1μm ; range of analysis elements B-U. This laboratory provides micro surface observations based on back scattered electron images (BSE), secondary electron images (SEI), and energy spectrum (EDS) analysis of solid samples.

                                  Philips XL-30 ESEM

Contact Person:Lingmin Zhang


