7月1日法国Jean-Claude Sibuet教授来访学术报告通知


报告题目:Geodynamics of the South China Sea and Philippine Sea plate

报告人:Prof. Jean-Claude Sibuet

                Ifremer Centre de Brest,France.


法国国际知名的海洋地球物理学家和构造地质学家Jean-Claude Sibuet教授。一直致力于张裂大陆边缘形成演化的研究,在大西洋陆缘区、孟加拉国国海底扇区以及西太平洋区的冲绳海槽、台湾造山带和南海构造变形等研究领域具有独到的见解。曾担任Marine Geophysical Research杂志主编10多年;40多个航次首席科学家,其中包括ODPLegs 47B, 80 and 210);在包括《Nature》在内的地学期刊发表过180多篇文章。


        The only way to understand the extent and nature of the South China Sea (SCS) at the end of spreading is to unfold the Manila slab, which is the subducted part of the SCS and to identify the nature of the crust (oceanic or thinned continental) from mid-slab dVp values. The objective of this talk is to propose a kinematic reconstruction of the SCS at the end of sea-floor spreading and to discuss its geodynamic consequences in the context of the SCS and Philippine Sea plate (PSP) evolution. PSP reasonable paleo-latitudes and poorly defined paleo-declinations were the only way to establish the kinematic evolution of the PSP through time (e.g. Hall, 1995 and 2002; Queano et al., 2007) until 2016 when Wu et al. (2016) introduced a new kinematic constraint based on the unfolding and restoration of Southeast Asian slabs. Even if unfolded slabs have low spatial and age resolutions relative to traditional plate tectonic reconstructions, large subducted slabs mapped around SE Asia supply important first-order kinematic constraints. During Eocene, two rifting phases observed in the SCS occurred simultaneously with two major phases of oceanic opening in the PSP, showing that the SCS and PSP shared a common left-lateral shear plate boundary, which is the eastern plate boundary of the « Greater PSP ». The « Greater PSP » is defined by the PSP sensu stricto, which aggregated, at different periods of time, fragments as the Carolina plate and deep Otong-Java slab to the east or the Huatung basin and North Luzon to the south. Since the end of SCS spreading or still during SCS seafloor spreading, the eastern plate boundary of the « Greater PSP » corresponds to the SCS-PSP boundary and is obliquely convergent, resulting in the formation of the Manila subduction zone. The inception of the Manila trench occurred at the location of the eastern boundary of the SCS with the subduction of the young SCS beneath the old adjacent Huatung basin.



