

报告题目:The evolution of microbial habitats through Earth’s history: Geochemical insights from stromatolites and BIFs


报告人:Dr. Sebastian Viehmann



Dr. Sebastian Viehmann is a Marie Curie fellow at Dept. for Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, Austria. His work focuses on paleo-marine environmental and tectonic reconstructions using Sm-Nd radiogenic isotope systems as well as high-resolution Rare Earth Element systematics in BIFs and microbial carbonates. He has published in several high impact SCI journals such as Geology, Precambrian Research, Chemical Geology, Ore Geology Reviews, Geosciences and Gondwana Research.


Key questions of the origin of life are how ancient environments became habitable and how microbial life adapted to severe changes in the atmosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere and lithosphere systems through Earth's history. Stromatolites, i.e., lithified microbial mats, as well as Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) are invaluable deep time archives of Precambrian environments to better understand the evolution of marine habitats throughout 3.8 billion years of Earth's history. Our versatile toolbox of trace element systematics combined with radiogenic (Nd, Hf) and stable (Cd) isotopes provides high-resolution insights into relative water depths of the depositional milieu, ambient redox conditions, and the impact of terrigenous weathering and high-temperature, hydrothermal fluids on water chemistry at specific times in Earth’s history






邀请人:Simon Hohl