Report: Sino-Austrian-German workshop on new paths in paleo-biogeochemistry and environmental reconstructions


From Mid of October to early November several meetings were held in Beijing and Shanghai by young researchers working in the field of radiogenic and stable metal isotopes and paleo- environmental reconstructions organised by Rd. Simon Hohl (Tongji University). The aim of the workshop was to deepen existing collaborations between the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology (SKLMG) at Tongji University and young researchers from University of Vienna (Austria)  and  Free  University  Berlin   (Germany) and   to   further   discuss   and   establish   new projects with collaborators of the P.R. China in the fields of geochemistry and   palaeontology.

(Researchers from Europe meeting host researcher Dr. Simon Hohl at the SKLMG)

Dr Marc Weynell (Free University Berlin) and Dr Sebastian Viehmann (University of Vienna) gave lectures on “Principles in geochemistry” to graduate students at School of Ocean and Earth Science of Tongji University and discussed upcoming research opportunities and collaborations with leading scientists of the State Key Laboratory for Marine Geology, Prof. Yang Shouye, Prof. Li Chao and Prof. Huang  Xiangtong.

Dr. Sebastian Viehmann gave lecture at SKLMG, Tongji University)

(Research group meeting Prof. Li Chao and Yang Shouye at the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences

 and with Prof. Huang Xiangtong )

(Meeting with collaborator Dr Yang Ben at the CAGS, Beijing)

During visits to the China Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS) and the China University of Geosciences, Beijing (CUGB), invited talks were given by Dr Sebastian Viehmann (University of Vienna) and Dr Simon Hohl ( Tongji University) on applications of trace elements, radiogenic and   stable   isotope   systematics  to reconstruct Precambrian marine environments. The host scientists at the inviting  institutes  were  Dr  Yang  Ben (CAGS) and   Dr   Lv   Yiwen   (CUGB).   The   workshop attendants   discussed   the    exchange   of sample   material,   future   collaborations and recently analysed data in the field of stable metal isotope research to better understand isotope fractionation processes and the evolution of life from the early Archean to the modern  hydrosphere  and biosphere.

(Together with collaborator Dr Lv Yiren from the CUGB at the Temple of Heaven,  Beijing)

A tour through the geochemical facilities at the visited host institutes and a visit of the famous Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven completed the workshop.