12月31日缅甸蒙育瓦大学的Thura Oo教授来访学术报告通知


报告题目:Myanmar geoscience research on source-to-sink and future international collaborations

报告人:Prof. Dr. Thura Oo


Prof. Dr. Thura Oo is the Rector (President) of Monywa University, Myanmar. He was the first PhD candidate for a local PhD programe in Myanmar. His thesis title is “A biostratigraphic synthesis of the Cretaceous foraminifers in Myanmar”. He was a Chief Scientist for Myanmar’s project to the United Nations for the Outer Limit of the extended continental shelf of Myanmar under the Article 76 of United Nations convention on the Law of the sea.  He is the Chairman of Working Committee on the International Relation and Collaboration, Myanmar National Education Policy Commission and technical adviser to Legal and Technical Subcommittee, Counsellor and Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar.


In this talk, Prof. Oo will lecture on the tectonic deformation and configuration between Shan-Thai Block and Burma Block , Rakhine accretionary complex, prism and wedge , 90 E and 85 E ridge and transcurrent faults. He will also address the source-to-sink processes and events, discuss relation between the causes and results, such as issues on the stratigraphy, rock paragenesis, tectonic deformation, mineralization and Quaternary geology.
Finally he will discuss how to apply Geosciences for sustainable development.



邀请人:赵西西  研究员