2015年5月11日东京大学Hodaka Kawahata教授学术报告通知


                                        2015年5月11日东京大学Hodaka Kawahata教授学术报告通知

题    目:Ocean acidification in response to the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration - in future and in the past

报告人:Hodaka Kawahata教授(东京大学)
时    间:2015年5月11日15:30-17:00
地    点:海洋楼一楼报告厅

Kawahata教授主要从事海洋地质、海洋地球化学、古海洋、古气候、古环境方面的研究,成果已有许多篇发表在Nature, Science, GCA, Earth Science Reviews, G-cube, EPSL, Paleogeography Paleoclimatology Paleoecology, Chemical Geology等高级别刊物上。

Global warming and ocean acidification is closely associated with the increase of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is now known whether ocean acidification or global warming has been the main cause of a decline in calcification. We show a new result of a culture experiments on two groups of algal symbiont-bearing, reef-dwelling foraminifers. Both demonstrate opposite response. In addition, if water chemical property is similar during the mid-Cretaceous, much higher carbon dioxide concentration should have lead to the very poor preservation of biogenic carbonate. However, this is contrary to the geological observations that biogenic carbonate was apparently present at paleodepths from the surface to ~1,000–2,000 m in DSDP/ODP cores. In contrast, at P/E boundary, much carbonate was dissolved out. We conducted 3-box model to understand different response to the carbon dioxide concentration. We show the reconstructed ocean acidification in the past. Then we discuss future environments in response to increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.
