


题    目:Organic Carbon Cycling in East China Sea Shelf Sediments: Linkages with Hypoxia



时    间:2015年3月12日 下午15:00

地    点:海洋楼215会议室


报告人简介:Dr. Xinxin Li is currently a post doctoral research associate at Geochemical and Environmental Research Group at Texas A&M University. Xinxin got her bachelor degree in Chemistry at Qingdao University in 2005, master degree in Marine Chemistry at Ocean University of China. In 2013, she got her Ph.D in Chemical Oceanography at Texas A&M University with Dr. Thomas S. Bianchi.


报告内容简介:This project studied both the terrestrial and marine derived organic carbon (OC) cycling in the Changjiang large delta-front estuary (LDE) in the East China Sea (ECS). The research used multiple geochemical methods combining with modeling and physical dynamics of the ECS. The results showed that episodic flooding events, East Asian monsoon, excess nutrient input and dam construction affected the distribution, decay and preservation of sedimentary OC. There has also been an increased occurrence of hypoxic bottom waters on the Changjiang LDE over the last 60 years. It is important that we continue to better link the physical, complex biogeochemical dynamic characteristics of LDEs and the occurrence of hypoxia.